Monday, August 15, 2016


July 25/26- I just want to apologize for just stopping my blog but unfortunately I have been under the weather as of late but I am now on the mend so here goes. We left at 9:00 am the next morning and the others had left before us so we will catch the next lock. We did another six locks today and when we arrived at Bobcaygen the bottom docks were filled so we headed to the top side and fortunately there were two spots left and we quickly grabbed them. We had passed "Chasing 80" and "Not Sew Easy" back at Buckhorn where they were staying for the night. We had a lovely spot with shade trees and picnic tables right outside the boat. We have decided to stay another day here as it is a nice little town. We sat for some time under the trees watching the dogs playing together on the grass but the heat had us tired and draggy so we are calling it a night. The next day Bobbie and I went uptown and browsed through the little shops. They have a huge shoe store here but the prices are crazy and so are some of the clothing stores. We met Dave and Hunter on the street so we all went for a late lunch. As we were heading back to the boats "Chasing 80 and Not Sew Easy were coming through the lock heading on through. We needed some things at the grocery store so Hunter and I headed there and on the way back he and I stopped for some ice cream. Another boat had come in behind us when we got back so we sat talking with them until dinner. The wind is up a little but it is helping to cool things off a little as it has been a very hot day today.

Grama and Hunter resting in front of one of the shops at Bobcagen

Hunter has found a friend

Grampa and Hunter sitting in the shade relaxing


July 24- We were off the dock at 8:00 am as we wanted to pump out before we left. We got to the first lock just as the doors were opening. There is a Nordic tug in the lock with us called "Lone Star" of course they are from Texas. We did 6 locks and decided to call it quits at the top of Lakefield lock. We got tied up and sat under the shade trees for awhile. Then three other Loopers arrived and we went to help them in and tied up. Bobbi and I took Hunter uptown to see if we could get some ice cream and sure enough up around the corner we found Kawartha ice cream. On our way back we were greeted by the gang off of "Chasing 80 and Not Sew Easy " walking toward us with their life jackets on. They were on the hunt for the place that you get into the water by the dam and the current takes you right down to the bottom of the lock. They found the place and away they all floated and on the next try they managed to talk Bill and Bobbi into trying it as well. Lakefield was a great spot to stop.

Mist heading into Peterborough Lift Lock
This is Lone Star who we traveled with for awhile
A look out the back of the lock
Holding onto Manana while we lift in the tub
Mist waiting to go into the Lakefield Lock
A couple of the gang floating down the river
Bill and Bobbie gave it a try as well

Saturday, August 13, 2016


July 22/23- We left at 9:00 am heading for Peterborough. We had several locks and it was very warm and quite windy. We arrived at the Peterborough Municipal Marina about 2:00 pm. It is a fairly large marina right close to downtown. There is a large park there with a band stand where they have many concerts. We stayed inside the boat as it is stifling hot but we did venture out at 6:00 pm to take Hunter to the show. We only had to walk three blocks but it might as well have been ten in that heat. By the time the show was over and we had had a bite to eat it had cooled slightly so the walk back was a lot easier. The next day was just as warm and we just walked over to a small mall across from the marina. We did a little shopping and then quickly returned to the air conditioning on the boat. There is a concert scheduled for this evening at 8:00 pm and people are already gathering so we are taking Koby for his walk early as a lot of people just freak him out. We received a call from some friends Ralph and Sue Coe and they are on their way over for a visit. They arrived at about 8:30 pm and we sat talking on the aft dock until 12:00 pm. We walked them up to their car and said our goodbyes. It was great to see them again as it has been a long time.

Looking down our dock at Peterborough (very busy port)
Looking down towards downtown from the Marina
Hunter relaxing after a long hot walk
Looking towards the Marina office
Concert if the park tonight right next to the Marina
Friends Ralph and Sue Coe came to visit us


July 21- There are several boats heading out this morning so we tried to stagger our times so we didn't end up milling around at the locks waiting. We left at 9:00 am and a group had left at 8:30 am and the other group planned to leave at 9:30 am. It worked out well and we did another six locks today. We got to Hastings at 2:00 pm and managed to get tied up on the wall of the lock. Mist and Miss Hattie decided they wanted to go to the marina across from us for the night. My daughter Nicole arrived that evening with our trailer for our dingy so we don't have to tow it through any more locks. She also dropped her son Hunter off with us so he can travel with us back to Orillia. We all went for dinner and then they left for home.

We got tied up at the topside of Hastings lock
A little variety and restaurant across from where we are tied

Our grandson Hunter has come to visit and ride to Orillia 


July 19/20- We all (Mist, Miss Hattie and Manana) left at 9:00 am heading for Campbellford today. We have six locks today and it is quite warm. When we got to the docks at Campbellford, two other Looper boats were already there. There was a large lot next to the boats so it was great for the dogs to get out and run around. It is a lovely little town with a bakery and a chocolate outlet (both of which we hit). We like the area so we decided to stay another day.

This is the double lock just before Campbellford

There were a lot of us Loopers in Cambellford at the same time
Bill from Mist standing in front of a Toonie coin


July 18- We left at 9:00 am as we wanted to fuel up before we headed out. Our destination is Frankford. We arrived at the top of the Frankford lock at 3:00 pm. Another boat arrived after us and we sat talking with them for awhile then we walked over the bridge to check out the little town. We had a early dinner at the one and only restaurant and headed back to the boats for the night.

Manana at Frankford
Mist at Frankford
It was a very little town


July 17- We left the next morning at 9:00 am as Sid wanted to put on fuel. We pulled out and putted along waiting for him. Sid is not going to stop at Trenton with us as he had company to pick up at Frankford. We pulled into the brand new marina called Trent-Port at Trenton and it is beautiful. We have Dave's cousin Cathy and her husband Joe stopping by to see us here today. As soon as we were tied up I ran for the grocery store which was very close and picked up some snacks. I had just gotten back and put things away when they arrived. We sat talking for awhile and then they decided to drive us over to Belleville to have a late lunch. We had a great visit and hope to have them come and visit us aboard Manana when we are back in Georgian Bay. When we got back we went over to Mist to set up our plan for tomorrows departure.

Brand new facility at Trenton
The docks on the left are for transients
Mist leaving Trenton heading up the system


July 16- We left Kingston at 8:00 am (all of us - Mist, Something Special and Manana) heading for Belleville marina. It was a lovely ride, very calm but still warm. We arrived at about 2:00 pm and we headed for a pump out. The other boat on the dock at the same time was a 50 ft SeaRay owned by a guy who used to sail. He had passed about five of us traveling close together on our way to Belleville and had rocked the "crap" out of us all. So once we were tied Dave proceeded to explain the error of his ways. He was apparently having a shower at the time and his wife was supposedly driving the boat (no excuse ). As Dave always says you can't fix "stupid". Once we were all tucked in Dave and I went in search of his drink of choice "Pepsi" which was on sale at Shoppers. We were told it was only half a mile away so we decided to walk Koby. It actually was more like a mile and a half and it was a Rexall not Shoppers that we found. When we got back the others wanted to go to dinner at the restaurant at the end of the dock. The food was excellent and they had a guy playing guitar and singing. We had dinner and called it a night.


July 15- We caught the first locking at 9:00 am the next morning and met up with Sid on the bottom side and headed for Kingston. It is again quite warm but the wind is really up today. We arrived at the Kingston marina about 3:00 pm and there seemed to be a mix up with our reservations which is not unusual for this particular marina. We finally got our slip assignment and had a devil of a time getting Manana into it. We were finally tied after 20 minutes but our back end stuck out past the dock and the wind was catching it. We did manage to stay on the dock but I really don't know how as the wind was blowing about 25 mph. We were very upset by a few things so we aired them out with the staff of the marina and before we knew it the manager who is not on sight came to see us. We told him of our concerns and gave him our opinions on some changes they need to make to make things work a little smoother here. It happened to be Sid's birthday so we took him out for dinner that night.


July14-We left Westport marina at 8:00 am heading for Upper Brewer's Lock. We have another hot day today but fortunately there is a little breeze. When we arrived at the nights destination the dock looked full but Sid checked the inside of the dock and found a spot and the dock master said we were fine to stay on the blue line for the night. We had hydro which was a lovely surprise so we could run our air and get cooled off for the night. Sid wasn't happy where he was so he locked through and sat at the bottom of the lock with no hydro. We had a lovely evening sitting up under the trees in the shade until the bugs started.


July 13- We left Beveridge Lock canal at 8:00 am heading for a place called Westport. It is a very warm day for traveling today at a balmy 90 degrees. We arrived at the marina, got tied up and quickly got the air conditioner running. The marina was not that big but cute. Dave and I decided to walk uptown to get a few things even in that heat. We managed to find a ice cream parlor which was doing a booming business I might add and had a cone to cool off. Evelyn was doing laundry uptown so I went to see how she was making out and took her some ice cream which she was very grateful for. After we got the laundry done we managed to muster the strength to go uptown to check out some of the shops. We were totally worn out when we got back to the boats.