Sunday, September 18, 2016


Aug 7- We were up early as Bob and Lenore are heading up Georgian Bay and heading home to Michigan City. They said they just loved their time at Wana Keta and are going to stop in a lot of places on their way up the Bay. They are a lovely couple and we are blessed to have met them. We said our goodbyes and watched as they headed towards Big Dog channel. We packed up our chairs and headed for Hindson Marina we are home! We have traveled about 6,000 miles and have done about 200 locks. The hardest part of the whole trip is having to say goodbye.  It is gut wrenching saying goodbye to these people you have traveled with through thick and thin for thousands of miles. To all the Loopers we have had the pleasure to meet and traveled with on and off we thank you for your kindness and friendship during this journey because without you all it would not have been as wonderful. I have to thank the first couple that took us under their wings John and Eunice from Harmony, a big thanks and love to the three time Loopers Charlie and Bonnie with whom we spent almost seven months and Bill and Bobbie (Mist ) who we traveled with for four months, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. A huge thanks to Syd and Evelyn (Something Special) who we first met in Green Turtle and who were our boat buddies doing the night crossing to Tarpon Springs and spent the month with in Dunedin and who we met up with again in Rock Hall and who we did a side trip to Ottawa with, we had many great times and hope there are many more to come.


Aug 5/6- We all left Midland at 9:00 am. Mist is going up Georgian Bay and Miss Hattie and ourselves are heading to Wana Keta on Beausiliel Island. It is a lovely day but with a heavy heart we are saying goodbye to members of our family Bill and Bobbie we love you guys and hope you have a safe and uneventful journey back to Racine.  When we arrived at Wana Keta the end of the T dock was open and Miss Hattie wanted to anchor so they did so just off the sand bar at the Y camp. It is very hot so we headed for the shore and set up our chairs up under the trees and went for a quick swim. Bob and Lenore from Miss Hattie came in and joined us for the afternoon. Dave's aunt and uncle John and Pat arrived on the dock with some friends aboard. Shortly after that John's son arrived by himself so we all went to give him a hand into the dock. We all headed back to the shade on the beach and had a enjoyable afternoon. The next day we all jumped into our dingys so we could show Bob and Lenore some more of the area. We headed back into Bone Island and showed them our usual haunts until the wind began to make the ride a little uncomfortable. We had planned on having a bonfire but there is a fire ban on at present so thats not happening.

Miss Hattie arriving at Wana Keta
A quiet evening for Miss Hattie 


Aug 3/4- We headed for the blue line at 8:00 am to get in line to go over the Big Chute. There was one boat waiting in front of us but they called us to go over first, so away we went. We told Bill and Bobbie we would meet them in Midland as it was going to be awhile for them to get over. We got to Port Severn and it was quite busy. They had just loaded the lock so we got on the blue line and waited for the next lock. By the time it got back up to the top Mist had arrived and we managed to get them on the dock to wait. We went through next, but with all the other boats that were there it took Mist about and hour or two to be called. They were not impressed by the lack of organization at Port Severn lock. We got to Midland at noon and were surprised to see another old family friend on the same dock. We noticed the dock was full and we still had Mist and Miss Hattie coming in that had reservations so we quickly told the people in charge and they moved two boats to another dock in short order. Mist arrived about an hour after us and Miss Hattie was about three hours, we were beginning to worry about them. It was very hot so every one just vegged out in their own boats in the air conditioning. The next day Dave and I ventured uptown in the stifling heat to get a couple of things and then right back to the boat. Bill and Bobbie are leaving us to head home so they have asked us to have a last dinner with them. The restaurant is right next to the marina and it was quite busy but we got right in and the service was fast. We had a wonderful last night with great friends that we are going to miss terribly. We have traveled with Mist since Daytona Beach almost four months and have loved every minute.


Aug 2- We left at 9:00 am and headed up Lake Couchiching towards Lock 42. It was busy at the lock when we got there so we pulled onto the blue line and waited. We had eight boats jammed into that lock with us and it was the same at the Swift lock. It was getting on in the day and we were a little worried that we might not find docking at the Big Chute but fortunately we did. We had just pulled out the chairs and drinks when Miss Hattie showed up. We all had just sat down to relax when Dave's mother, brother and sister-in-law surprised us with a visit. We huddled ourselves under umbrellas trying to get some relief from the sun and heat until dinner. We all  walked over to the Big Chute marina restaurant and had a wonderful dinner with family and friends. After dinner Dave's family headed back to Orillia and we all crashed.

They jammed us in at Lock 42
Our first barge we have seen since on the rivers in the States
A pretty area at Severn Falls


July 31/Aug 1- We left Starport at 9:00 am heading for the Port of Orillia. When we arrived we were helped into our slip by an old family friend which was a pleasant surprise. Once we were settled we took Bill and Bobbie up the main street and showed off our "home town". Of course one of the places we took them to see was "Mariposa Market" for lunch which they just loved. By the time we headed back to the boats they were in love with Orillia. Later that day "Miss Hattie" had arrived and they were equally impressed despite the inconvenience of no permanent structure to shower at. Bill and Bobbie spent much of the next day uptown in various shops (Mariposa Market being one of the most popular). That evening we all went to dinner at Brewary Bay which they also enjoyed.

At the Port of Orillia
Manana at our home port
A beauty we saw sitting at French's stand
A beautiful sunset over Orillia


July 28/29- We left Sunset Cove Marina just before 9:00 am as we had a bridge we had to get through right around the corner from the marina. We have another five locks and we are in Lake Simcoe. We are planning to stop at Starport Marina as Mist had a problem with a vibration and thinks he may have to change a prop. We arrived at the marina at about 2:00 pm and received our slip assignments. Mist stayed on the gas dock as he will be pulled out in the morning and we were just around the corner in the outside slips. We live just around the corner from this marina so I called my sister to come and pick us up. We took Hunter and his things with us so his Mom could pick him up at our house. We opened the house and let things air out a little, turned the water system back on and I proceeded to cut back some of my bushes along side the garage that had become overgrown since we have been away. The next morning Dave got my car out of the garage and  headed into Orillia to get a new licence for my car. While he was gone I spent the day digging out grass that had grown up through our back patio. I washed down the spiders off the front of the house and washed the doorway and windows off. I was taking back my house! When we got back to the marina Mist was back in the water good as new.

We had a bridge just around the corner from the marina
Thorah Island in front of us as we enter Lake Simcoe
Mist crossing Lake Simcoe with us