Saturday, September 26, 2015


Sept 21- We have spent a lot of time trying to get the Mississippi off Manana and everyday she gets a little cleaner. It has been quite hot so we do it when we have shade so its taking longer.

Sept 22- More boats have arrived this morning and there are more behind us. We have at least 20 Loopers here now. Each evening we get together for docktails up in the gazebo and we have met some wonderful people. Something we never knew is that Kentucky is a "dry state", no liquor. If you don't have some with you your out of luck!
The docktails gazebo
Condos for rent
Condos up in the hills
A view of Barkley Lake
Spa and indoor pool
Koby and Dave out for a walk
Walkway to pool
More Loopers have arrived
Time to cool off with friends
View from the pool area

Sept 23- We decided we would go to Patti's to eat tonight. Patti's is known for its 2 inch pork chops, it huge baked potatoes and their wonderful pies (one of which is lemon meringue with 6-7 inch meringue. We were not disappointed, the chop Dave and I split was absolutely the best I have ever had. We had a dessert which was called Bill's Shipwreck Pie. It had a chocolate pie with chocolate ice cream drizzled with coffee and topped with whip cream. Dave and I put a pretty good dent in that one but still could not finish it all. The owner's son came over to our table and spoke with us. He reminds me of Boss Hog, he owns everything in town.
Bob and Lynn (American Pie) at Pattie's
Having dinner at Pattie's
Our two inch pork chop 

Sept 24- This is a special day as this is my daughter Nicole's wedding anniversary. "Happy Anniversary" Jason and Nicole. I hope it was a wonderful day and congratulations on breaking ground on your new home. Please keep us posted as to your progress.

Sept 25- We left Green Turtle about 11:30 am as Bonnie and I went and played some tennis. We have a 30 mile day today so we weren't in any hurry. It has become an overcast day and thats ok as we have been frying up to now. Kentucky Lake which we are travelling through today reminds me a lot of Lake Couchiching. We arrived at Paris Landing State Park Marina at Buchanan, Tennessee at 3:30 pm. As we entered the marina we could see a huge number of cars and people at the end of the bay. They are having and International Fishing Derby here this weekend. We decided to have dinner at the restaurant near by (part of the State Park) and we just called the Ranger and they came and picked us up in their trucks. We had dinner then the Rangers took us back to the marina.
Kentucky Lake reminds me of Lake Couchiching
Land is getting higher
A bridge span
They are building a new bridge along side other bridge
Some colour starting in trees
One side of us is Kentucky other side is Tennessee
Some areas are rock and others are sandy
A home on the Tennessee side
Entrance to Paris Landing Marina

Views of Paris Landing Marina
Looking out of entrance at Paris Landing

Sept 26- We left Paris Landing about 9:30 am along with Sonata heading for Pebble Isle Marina about a 30 mile trip. Bob and Lynn from American Pie decided they wanted to stay another day at Paris Landing so we will meet up with them again tomorrow. We arrived here at about 2:00 pm in the rain. It is pouring outside now as I am writing this. The rain has now stopped for awhile just in time for dinner. It will be a quiet evening tonight.
Beginning to see homes along the Tennessee
Starting to see these more
A rather overcast day
Some homes along the river
This is how they get power across the river
An abandoned railway bridge
An old docking area
Seeing more homes along the riverfront
Coming up to turnoff for marina
Heading into Pebble Isle Marina
A blue heron taking a rest
Pebble Isle Marina

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Sept 14- We left at about 11:00 am as we were waiting for American Pie (Bob and Lynn). When we got to the lock it was about a half hour wait, then we entered and floated in the lock. It took about 15 minutes and we were through that one. We proceeded down river through many tows waiting on the side of the river. We again just entered the next lock and again floated. The rest of the way down past St. Louis was very stressful with lots of tows and a lot of current. Then we played dodge the tows anchored and tows moving until we reached Hoppie's at 4:00 pm. We met with Fern at 6:00 pm and she had a lot of information we will need for heading down the river tomorrow. The night against the barge at Hoppie's was not great when the upbound tows go by they are going against the current so they are really powered up and the wake is large.
Leaving Alton marina
First lock today
American Pie floating in the lock
Looking at the door of lock lifting behind us
Dodging tows on side of river
Heading into second lock of the day
Heading towards St Louis
Downtown St Louis
Casino on the water
Part of downtown St Louis

Sept 15- We only have to go about 40 miles today, we are heading for Kaskaskia Lock so we are not leaving until about 10;30 am. We walked the dogs up to the little downtown and had a look see. Just down from Hoppie's is an equestrian stable for children with disabilities. This stable was donated by the people who own Budweizer Beer. We headed down the river dodging logs and debris in the water and passed a couple of tows on our way to Kaskaskia Lock to tie up there for the night. Fern had told us about this place and it seems like a safe quiet place. She also told us that if the captains were having trouble with the tow captains answering them have one of the ladies call and request which side to pass the tow on. Boy, they answered right away today when I called the tows, it really does work!
Manana at Hoppie's
A couple of barges joined together
A view from the hill above Hoppie's
Part of the downtown
The equestrian stable 
An old home in the town
The main street
These two homes were built in the 1800's
A little fudge shop

Sept 16- We left the Kaskaskia Lock at 9:00 am and we are now travelling with another couple (Charles and Bonnie) from Sonata a Grand Banks who are on their third loop. We are heading to a place called Little Diversion Channel for the night. There are 4 of us here right now we arrived at about 3:00 pm. Another boat called Corsair has joined us now. We passed at least 5 tows today and apparently Sonata says we haven't seen anything until we hit where the Mississippi meets the Ohio. We were invited aboard Sonata for docktails and it was decided to leave early the next day due to the 80 miles we had to do the next day.
Homes built up away from river
Some homes along the Mississippi
A view going down Mississippi
Ground starting to get higher
American Pie passing a tow
A large building on the shore
Higher ground 
A gravel pit on the river bank
A stone quarry
American Pie on the Mississippi
Heading into Kaskaskia Lock
American Pie tied to side of lock
Our berth for tonight

Sept 17- We were up at 5:30 am but we didn't leave until 6:30 am. We were heading to Paducah and we had three locks to get through. The first lock was at Olmstead where we waited for 2 hours and because it was under construction they had to escort us through a side chamber and down to the next lock 53. The wicket was down on the next lock so we just rode past it. Then the race was on to get to Lock 52 - which is the big bug a boo on the Ohio River. We rushed to get there by 5:30 pm as they promised to put us through with the Coast Guard boat but when we arrived they had put something else through and it took us 3 hours of jockeying around before the called us into the lock in the dark. That was fun! Then they had us all leave before the Coast Guard boat out into the dark not knowing where to go. The lead boat was Sonata and they knew of a barge at Paducah so we all fell into a line and followed Sonata into Paducah. The two Grand Banks rafted together and we came in behind against the wall then American Pie rafted to us .Poor Koby went all day until we got to Puducah before we could get him to shore.  It was around 9:30 pm we were all tired from this long frustrating day we had something light to eat and went to bed.
A town along the river
Sonata and American Pie ahead of us
A closer look at the town
Large home on river
A large tow on river
Sand bars were plenty
Trying to show how dirty water is on river
Tow powering upriver
Huge sand beach
You can see a line in water when you enter the Ohio River
The color on the Ohio is so blue
We are escorted through chamber as Olmsted Lock
When we arrived at Lock 52
Still waiting at Lock 52 (3 hours later)
View at Paducah
The boats rafted at Puducah barge

Sept 18- We left Paducah barge at 8:30 pm this morning heading for a marina called Green Turtle Bay. We have left the Ohio River and are now travelling through Kentucky on the Cumberland River. It is quite winding so we are glad we have AIS so we know whats around the bends.We only have one lock today called Berkley Lock to go through and then its just a short jaunt to the marina. Wish us luck! We drove right into the lock and we through it is about 10 minutes and our marina was just around the corner- we arrived at 1:30 pm. There are several Loopers here and we have now caught up with Harmony but sadly they are leaving again tomorrow. There is a yacht club restaurant here and we are temporary members so 9 of us are having dinner there tonight. We had a wonderful dinner with some great people. The 2 guys crewing on Corsair will be leaving tomorrow heading home. They were dying to see Manana so when we finished dinner we showed them through the boat. We have had a lot of comments on her.
Heading for the Cumberland River

Heading down the Cumberland
Heading to lock
Heading into Barkley Lock
Barkley Lake
Heading into Green Turtle Bay Marina
This is a huge marina

Sept 19 - We are staying put for about a week as they offer a deal here- pay for 5 days and stay for 7 days. They have 3 pools here - 2 outside and 1 indoor. They have a spa and exercise area and have a courtesy car which we will be taking out tomorrow. We spent a large part of today trying to get the crude off of Manana from the Mississippi (a very dirty river). When you leave the Mississippi and enter the Ohio you can actually see the line between the dirty water of the Mississippi and the blue water of the Ohio. Our next big project will be getting the dirt off the dingy.

Sept 20- We were able to get the courtesy car and we are off to Walmart to get supplies. We were able to get our engine oil there which is much cheaper than a marina. We toured their little town before going back to the marina.The 5 Loopers that were behind us have arrived today. The dingy was very dirty so we took Koby and headed for what we thought was beach. It was rocky and very shallow so we got in the water up to our knees and began giving it a bath. We spent most of today saying our hellos to all the other Loopers. We will have to make a time for us all to have docktails before we all head out again.We actually have a couple next to us that are from Bayport Marina in Penetang.
Yacht club restaurant
A few of us Loopers
Lots of sticks here
They have very large houseboats here