Thursday, September 3, 2015


Aug 29- Thunderstorms most of today. Dave is repairing the stuffing box around the shaft on the starboard side today. I am doing the usual cleaning and laundry. Another down day. We tried taking a walk over to the lighthouse but were stopped by a girl at a booth on the way in saying it was closed. Well we tried.
This is where we were turned back when heading to lighthouse
A strange lawn ornament
This is a front lawn which is completely English Ivy
A private home next to the marina

Aug 30- We left Holland at 9:00 am on calm lake but fog this morning with visability of 1/4 mile which was pretty good. As we travelled along it lifted and the sun appeared. We reached the entrance into St. Joseph at 12:00 pm and were greeted with many, many boats pouring out into the lake. It was crazy for a few minutes (we had them coming down the river 3 abreast at one point), apparently the train bridge had just opened and this was the back-log. We thought we might try the free wall but after seeing that mess we decided to go into West Basin Marina. It was dog friendly with grass at the foot of the slip (Koby thought he had died and gone to heaven). As far as St. Joseph it was ok but not boater friendly as far as shopping.The nearest grocery store was 25 miles away. While out on our dingy explore we came across two Sheriff's people in a boat and we hailed them over and asked them about what was in the area. The young man said he was Brampton, Ontario (who would have guessed). This is becoming a theme here.
Just a little foggy when we left Holland
Bored doing a little cleaning as we go
The sky got darker but nothing happened
River into St. Joseph
West Basin Marina
Private homes 
Private home next to marina

Aug 31- We left at 9:00 am heading for Michigan City then onto Chicago (finally). Today is my beautiful granddaughter Gabrielle's birthday. "Happy Birthday" Gabbie - love you and miss you. Hope you have a great day. We are travelling in fog again with 1 mile visability. We arrived at the marina at about 1 pm. We needed some supplies so we walked to a bus stop and caught the bus to West Marine and a grocery store. We caught a cab back to the marine. When we got back several Loopers had gathered in front of the office. We met up again with a lovely couple we had met way back in Parry Sound and met several others we may see along the way.
Another foggy morning

Sept 1-  We left Michigan City at 9:00 am heading for Hammond which is about 14 miles outside of Chicago. This marina was right beside the Horseshoe Casino and was very large. It took us about 10 minutes to walk up the dock to water Koby. We finally had a light bulb moment and decided it was quicker to take the dingy up to the front to water him. We saw several other Looper boats there but a couple of them were not at their boats. It was 93 degrees today so we are not doing too much - just staying inside in the air conditioning.
Shoreline starting to look more industrial
Manana headed to the fuel dock
Our slip was to the right
Horseshoe Casino in background
Dark hulled boat is "Harmony"
Right side of marina

Sept 2 - We stayed and extra day so that we could go and see Chicago before we started do the Calsag . It was still extremely hot and Dave did not want to go into Chicago and walk around, so he had the thought to go down by dingy. So we did! We left Koby in the air conditioning with lots of food and water and away we went. We got there and decided to go down the river so we entered the lock. It took about 5 minutes to go down in the lock. Then downtown we went. It was awesome! I think I enjoyed it better than if we had come in by train and took a ferry down through. We were the only ones in the lock coming back out. It was a little rough going back to the boat but not too bad. We got back loaded Koby in the dingy to take him up to shore. When we got back two other Loopers we had met had arrived. We met a couple on the boat "Harmony" and they said they were leaving the next day to go down the Calsag. So we hooked up with them.
A hazy Chicago shoreline
Lighthouse heading into Chicago
Ferry terminal
Waiting to go into lock
Going out of lock
Fire boat
My next boat!

Odd looking buildings

A few people trying to cool off
The El
Oneof the many ferries
Outdoor cafe
Coffee shop
Very old unique ferry
Don't get gas and brakes mixed up
Fire hall
This is the lockmaster house
Couldn't miss Trump tower

Sept 3- We left at 9:00 am a little behind "Harmony" and headed down the Calsag. We caught up to them at the lock. When we got in the lock I did the usual put fenders down go the hook ready but we didn't need them. The lockmaster said we could just stay in the middle of the lock running. It was quite strange. The Calsag is far from pretty and with all the tows it can be a very stressful day. We travelled 40 miles today and passed under 35 bridges and did 2 locks. It was a very long and hot day but we are here in Joliet on the Free dock tonight. We will be travelling with "Harmony" again tomorrow. I would be in very hot water if I didn't wish my oldest grandson who is 17 years old today a very "Happy Birthday" Tyson. I hope you had a wonderful day. Love you and miss you.

Our first tow of the day
First bridge on the Calsag
Lift rail bridge
We just floated in this lock
Someone forgot the plug
Some homes along the river
Again someone has a problem
This is another one in the same marina
Overhead pipeline
Water flowing into the river
Some bigger homes
Try passing a tow there!
This is self explanatory
This is where we are for the night

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