Monday, October 19, 2015


Oct 13-This morning we are getting ready for Dave's aunt and uncle to arrive Thursday evening. They are on their way to Florida for the winter and this is on their way. They will be with us on our trip to Chattanooga and back to Joe Wheeler to pick up their car and continue on down to Florida. The rendezvous begins today at 3:00 pm.
First dock of Loopers
We finally got moved up to the Lodge
Joe Wheeler Lodge
Pool area and second dock of Loopers
Dave walking Koby in park
A few more Loopers on this dock
Grounds next to the Lodge
We were aboard First Snow - what a boat

Oct 14-17th-We have been in meetings all day and will be all week. John and Pat have been doing day trips into Rogersville and have been taking Koby for his walks. The last night was dinner and awards night. We had participated in a blindfold dingy race but did terrible at it, so we were presented with a boobie prize. Apparently another couple after who did the race after us did an even worse job than we did and ended up between two boats. It was a great three days ans we met many more Loopers.

Oct 18- We are finally off the dock again at 9:00 am heading to a marina called Ditto Landing up the Tennessee River. We are travelling with several other boats who are all heading to the same marina. We arrived at 3;00 pm and again we are at the back of the marina - it's becoming a theme! We were invited for docktails at 5 pm and because it was getting cold we went aboard "Gimmee Time" and had pizza.
A nuclear power plant
Home along the river
Railway lift bridge we had just gone under
This is self explanatory
Dave's uncle and aunt John and Pat
The mountains are starting to show
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The other boats are all over by that beige building
Manana at end of slips
A visitor centre
Another view of marina
Walking around visitor centre
A view from the centre 

Oct 19- "Happy Birthday to me". I have just gotten a e-mail from my beautiful daughter with a wonderful birthday greeting and a picture of  my grandchildren. We left at 8:00 am heading for Goose Pond. The countryside along the river is getting prettier with the mountains and the colours changing in the trees. We had the Guttersville Lock to go through but fortunately the eight boats we
were travelling with all went right into the open lock. We arrived at Goose Pond at 2;00 pm and immediately got the courtesy car and went to Walmart. When we got back we were invited to go to a local restaurant with several other Loopers. They brought out a cannolli with a candle on top and everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to me. It has been a wonderful day - thanks everyone and thanks Nicole for that lovely message.
The shoreline is really changing
One of the bluffs along the river
This is called painted bluff
The other six boats ahead of us
A home along the river
A lighthouse at Guntersville
Highway bridge 
A few homes in Guntersville
Entering into Goose Pond Marina

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