Thursday, October 29, 2015


Oct 26- We are late leaving today at 11:00 am as we are only going to Ditto Landing which is only 40 miles away. It is raining and has been all day. John and I got soaked at the lock tending the lines and we saw no other boats all day. We arrived at Ditto at around 4:30 pm and are on the dock with four other Loopers. If anyone is planning on staying at Ditto Landing I might suggest you order a pizza from the local place as it was the best pizza I have ever had.

Oct 27- A rainy morning and the wind is up a bit so we are debating whether to travel today or stay another day. John and Pat are getting a little anxious about getting on down to Florida so we are going to travel on down to Joe Wheeler State Park where their car is. We arrived at 4:30 pm and were surprised to find five other Loopers on the docks. It was going to be our last night together so we got into the car and went to Florence for dinner. As it was going to be an early start for John and Pat tomorrow we all headed for bed.

Oct 28- Today is a very special day for me as I have been married to my best friend for 43 years. I have loved Dave from the first day we met and I give thanks everyday that he chose me to live his life with. "Happy Anniversary Dave!" We were so sorry to see John and Pat leave this morning and I hope they had as much fun as we did. Thank you John and Pat for making this side trip an extra special time and we will see you when we get to Florida. It was another rainy dull day but the other Loopers have left to head down anyway. Just when we thought we were all by ourselves on the dock we were happily surprised to see Gemini arrive. We got together and had docktails until almost dark then we decided we would leave together the next morning.
Someone came calling
Manana and Koby on a empty dock
Very peaceful
The only boat on the other docks
Gemini has just arrived
Quite a difference from two weeks ago

Oct 29- We left Joe Wheeler State Park along with Gemini this morning at 8:30 am heading for the Wheeler Lock just around the corner. We had a half hour wait there and another hour wait at the Wilson Lock. So instead of the run from Joe Wheeler to Grand Harbor taking 4 hours now its 5 1/2 hours. We arrived at Grand Harbor at 5:30 pm just in time for Dave to take Koby to shore by dingy and me to get the hydro hooked up before it was starting to get dark. We see on Facebook that John and Pat have arrived safe and sound in Florida. Thanks again for the great two weeks!

Leaving Joe Wheeler State Park
Headed to the Wheeler Lock
The colors are beautiful
Joe Wheeler Lock
Pretty shoreline
Highway going over the lock and dam
Shore before Wilson Lock
Wilson Lock
A revolving restaurant
View of shore at Florence
Almost to Grand Harbor

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