Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Dec 12- We have been very fortunate that we wake to sunshine and warm temperatures as of late. It is usually cooler than this at this time of year they tell us, but we'll take it. Evelyn and I are heading on our bikes back to JoAnn's as she has to return something. The guys are busy with their electronics this morning so its a good time for us to go. There is a Christmas Parade in Dunedin today so we are jumping on the Jolly Trolly again at 4 pm to go and enjoy the festivities. We got there just as the parade was starting so we watched until Santa arrived then we wandered the streets. They had wagon rides and even a snow slide for anyone who was crazy enough to venture down the slopes. They had booths were the kids could sit down and do crafts and old fashioned games for the kids to try. We had something to eat at a cafe that had organic food (it was quite good) then we caught the Jolly Trolly back to the marina.

Dave's little Christmas Tree (with lights)
The Jolly Trolly (inside and out)

Downtown Dunedin
A candid picture
Downtown decorations
A few pictures of the parade
Horse and buggy rides after the parade
Snow slides for any daring sole

Dec 13- Another sunny warm day here. I think Sid and Evelyn have gone to Church as I have not seen them this morning yet. I am trying to catch up the blog as the wi-fi is terrible here and intermitten at best. We have complained bitterly and they tell us they are working on it, so when I get upset with it I walk away and do something else and then come back to it. Sid and Evelyn are back now and we have decided to take the dingys out for a while. We went down to Dunedin and went downtown for an ice cream then we walked back and headed back to the marina. Along the way we followed the shoreline and went into the little canals to explore what was down them. The huge homes seem to be along the shoreline and the smaller homes are down the canals. They are very close together and every home has a boat on a lift sitting at its dock.

Coming back from Dunedin
A couple little shacks along the shoreline
Down inside one of the canals

Dec 14- A cloudy but warm day today. Sid is getting his rental car today so he has asked Dave and I to go with he and Evelyn to Cedar Key which is about 100 kilometers from here. We took Koby with us as he is very good in the car and had not been off the boat for awhile and he needed an outing. We arrived in Cedar Key at about 2 pm and we were getting hungry. So we went downtown which is not that big, found a shady spot for the car and went to have a bit to eat. We wandered the little town there, got back into the car and drove around to get the lay of the land. We headed back to the marina and had dinner and a quiet night.

Downtown Cedar Key
Dec 15- Sid and Evelyn left this morning to drive down to Marco Island to check it out. We got a call from John and Pat saying they were coming over for a visit. We went to Walmart with them to pick up a few things, then when we got back to the marina we decided to take them out to Caladesi Island. We met Bill and Bobbi on the dock and asked them to join us as they had just gotten their dingy back after the repair. It is a dull overcast day but the water is calm.We tied up at the docks on the island and said hello to a fellow looper who is staying there called "Nearly perfect". We walked up to the office to pay for our dockage and then started the tour. The last time we were here we saw two turtles wandering around, but we did not see them today. We headed down to the beach but the dogs were not allowed on the beach so Dave and I stayed with the dogs while John and Pat, Bill and Bobbi took a look around the beach. It is looking like it is going to pour any minute so we are headed back to the marina. It sprinkled a little bit just as we were getting to the dock at the marina, but did not develop into any thing. John and Pat stayed for a bit and then had to get back and I have been at this computer catching up this blog ever since.

1 comment:

  1. we were just at Cedar Key a couple of weeks ago. If you go back be sure to go to Tony's restaurant, they have won the best clam chowder competition for 3 years, it was very good!
