Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Nov 27- We left at 10:00 am as we have a short jaunt to Apalachicola. It is a nice run down with the sun shining and warmth for a change. We arrived at Scipio Marina at 2:00 pm, had lunch and went exploring the little fishing village. There are many interesting little shops but a bit pricey. As we walked back to the boat we could see people heading to the water front. We found out later that Santa had sailed down the river - and we missed it! We had dinner and then Sid and Evelyn came aboard to play euchre. The girls beat the pants off the guys.
A free dock and park
Along the river
Out into the lake
Coming into Apalachicola
A building that needs to be torn down
Apalachicola's waterfront
Arriving at Scipio Marina
I don't think I want to walk this dock
A very old store front
Mr Sponge enjoying the day
A few buildings on the main street
The outside and inside of the above building
This is a nautical museum
Part of Scipio Marina
Koby entertaining Sid and Evelyn

Nov 28- We left Apalachicola at 10:00 am heading to Carrabelle as there is a weather window in the next three days for us to cross the gulf. We arrived at Carrabelle at 2:00 pm and had quite a time tying to their docks. We had to back into a very short dock and then tie off to two poles at the front that were at a distance from each other. After much frustration and twenty minutes later we were tied (the captain was not a happy camper). We all needed a drink after that so Sid and Evelyn and Bud and Jill off Earendil (a sailboat) sat on the back deck and chewed the fat for awhile then we went and had dinner at a local restaurant. We walked into the back room and there was Sea to Sea and Namiste. We had not seen them since Chattanooga so we had quite a visit with them. They are leaving tomorrow at 12:00 pm to start their gulf crossing. We are planning to leave at 3:00 pm tomorrow as well. The weather wag says this is the best night as the wind and waves are low and a moon to light our way. Wish us luck everyone as I am very nervous about the crossing.
Leaving Apalachicola
Sunny and warm
A little chop
Newer causeway
Whats left of old causeway
Heading into Carrabelle
Arriving at the marina
They have these crazy docks
A birdseye view of  the marina

Nov 29/30- We are on our way from Carrabelle to Tarpon Springs. It is sunny and the gulf has a slight roll, calm with a slight breeze. By the time we were half the way over things began to change. The wind has started to get up and the waves are getting larger. It turns out there are nine boats crossing tonight. The moon rose at 10:00 pm which helped with the visibility but the waves made the rest of the trip very uncomfortable. We did radio checks with each other every hour on the hour. Dave managed an hours sleep and I got no sleep at all on our twenty hour crossing. The four to five foot waves did not let up for the rest of the night and into the next morning right into the bay at Tarpon Springs. We backed into the slip at Tarpon Springs at 12:00 pm Monday Nov 30th and there stood Dave's aunt and uncle John and Pat Sweet. Dave and I had not really had anything to eat since the morning we left Carrabelle so we all went down the street to a Greek restaurant. John and Pat headed back home, Dave washed the salt off Manana and I headed to bed to get a couple of hours of sleep. We had an early dinner and then I was off to bed again to catch up on the sleep I missed last night.
Leaving Carrabelle for Tarpon Springs
A home on Dog Island
Our boat buddie Something Special
The sun is going down
A fellow Looper
Dave watching the Grey Cup game
The moon rose at 10:00 pm
The next morning sunrise
We are all almost there
Koby hanging in there after 20 hour ride

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