Monday, January 11, 2016


Jan 6- We were happy to see Sid and Evelyn (Something Special) back from Canada and we all spent the day together catching up on what happened when we were home. Later that afternoon we had docktails up at the gazebo as a couple of Loopers are leaving in the morning heading down the coast.

Jan 7- A sad morning having to say goodbye to two Looper friends leaving this morning. It is like splitting up a family every time someone leaves. The day is sunny but cool compare to the warm weather we had before we left to go home. We had Sid and Evelyn over to play cards and unfortunately the guys beat the girls bad.

Jan 8- Today is much warmer so we have decided to get the bikes out and ride down to Dunedin. It is about a half hour ride on a lovely bike path. It is much quieter in Dunedin than the last time we were there for their Christmas parade and festivities back in December. We popped into a few shops, had a ice cream and headed on back to the boat. We were tired from our ride so it was a quiet night for us all.

Jan 9- We are excited as this morning John and Pat are coming to take us over to John's Pass which is south of Maderia Beach. It is a tourist trap but is a fun place to visit anyway. We got there about lunch time so before we headed into all the stores along the strip we decided to have lunch at "Scully's " on the wharf next to the intercostal waterway. The food is very good and the decor is quite interesting. The girls wanted to hit the stores so we split up with the guys who wanted to go back to the wharf area. We went into almost all the stores and I managed to buy a new necklace and earring set. We met back at the car at 3 pm and then John drove us to see a potential marina we were looking at stopping at but it was very exposed so it wasn't for us. We headed back to our boat and John and Pat headed back to Zepherhills.
The guys trying to figure out the parking machine
Looking up street at John's Pass
Looking down street 
Street side of "Scully's"
Evelyn at John's Pass
Lift bridge up on intercostal waterway
Heading up wharf to Scully's
Sailboat heading towards lift bridge
A couple of pelicans at the wharf
Looking down the wharf

A great place to have lunch

Jan 10- Sid and Evelyn have gone to church this morning and Dave and I have been puttering around. We managed to put our new duvet set on the bed that we had bought each other for Christmas. I then started to clean the carpets in the back part of the boat and up on the bridge. It is a cool day but we did manage a few walks with Koby during the day. When Sid and Evelyn got back they invited us over to play cards, so Dave and I introduced them to a couple of new games called "May I" and "Crazy Eights". Sid with his beginners luck won "May I" and Evelyn won "Crazy Eights".

My new duvet cover

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