Thursday, February 11, 2016


Feb 6- We left the marina at 9:30 am and the bay had calmed right down and the sun was shining. We are heading to a private dock of friends Bev and Rudy in Cape Coral today. We traveled by Caya Costa the island area we had anchored at for 2 nights and then past J N Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge and St. James City where Charlie and Bonnie are visiting family. As we traveled towards Cape Coral we were surprised by 2 visitors who kept us entertained for about a half hour. We had two dolphins jumping and playing along side Manana. Koby was barking at them the whole way. We arrived at Bev and Rudy's at about 4:30 pm. It was drizzling enough that we were drenched to the skin by the time we had tied up to their dock. They invited us up to their house and as we entered the lanai there was a pool right inside the door. Koby not knowing what a pool is thought he could walk through it and proceeded into the pool. That was our grand entrance! Once we got Koby dried off we were able to meet their friends that are down from Canada as well and are staying with them, Hilda, Merry and her husband Rick. They invited us to have dinner with them (Bev and Rudy are the ultimate hosts), they can never do enough for you. We talked for awhile then we went back to our boat for and early night.
Leaving Fisherman's Village Marina
Mooring area outside marina
Leaving Punta Gorda
Passing Burnt Store area
Weather is going down the tubes
This one actually slowed down to pass
St. James City where Bonnie and Charlie are 
J N Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge
They call this the "Miserable Mile" don't know why
Coming into Cape Coral
We have arrived at Bev and Rudy's

Feb 7- We were up early as this is Super Bowl Day and there are several people coming over to watch the game with us. Hilda had something to pick up at the store so she invited us to go with her. On our way back from the store Bev decided we should see a few things so we proceeded to a nearby park and they took me to see these "Burrowing Owls" at this property. They are very protected down here so if they happen to nest on your property you are not allowed to remove them and nothing can be built within 5 feet of their nest. They are really sweet little birds about 6 or 7 inches tall that take over golfer holes for their homes. We had to head back as we had to prepare some food for the big event as they have about 17 people coming today. Charlie and Bonnie have now arrived at Bev and Rudy's and we are all getting things ready to serve at half time. We are all Canadians here except Bonnie and Charlie but they are holding their own. There was much food and drink had by all and we all had a great day. We sat talking after the game for awhile then the guests began to leave as well as ourselves.

Bonnie and Charlie have arrived
The pool Koby liked so much

Rudy and Rick 
Merry and Rick 
Manana on the dock
Homes across the canal
Looking down to end of canal
Street side of their home

Feb 8- Bev has offered to take Dave, Bonnie and myself out to pick up a few things for a steak dinner we are having this evening. Charlie is tending to an engine on his boat and the others are resting. We went to a mall and Bonnie, Bev and myself had some retail therapy at a store called Wilford and Lee Home Accents. Poor Dave had allergy issues and was feeling like crap so he waited outside on a bench for us. This store was a Home Goods store on steroids! It had everything and anything you could possibly want. Bonnie and I found a perfect serving dish to give to Bev and Rudy to thank them for their hospitality. When we got back Bonnie, Bev and I decided to go for a walk around to the other side of the canal to take some pictures of the boats. When we got back we started to get the salad, potatoes, mushrooms etc. ready for our last meal with Bev and Rudy and their friends. Bev made 2 lemon pies from lemons off her tree outside her house. The three friends Hilda, Merry and Rick are very funny people who kept us entertained with their very funny stories and antics. We called a night but unfortunately the wind came up in the night and that kept us up for awhile. We are leaving in the morning for Fort Myers.

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