Friday, April 29, 2016


April 29- Yes we decided to stay for another day as we wanted to see some of the island. We took the dogs for their morning walks and put them on the boat with the air conditioning going as it is again quite hot. We are borrowing 3 bikes from the marina and we have one of ours and are biking to the local museum. We are taking a trolly tour of the historical area here on the island and hope it will be interesting - and boy was it. One sixth of the wealthest people in the world back in the 1800's started a club on the island to promote building cottages here on this island. These cottages are not like the ones we all know, some of them were as large as 7000 sq ft with as many as three bathrooms and boasting of 12-15 servants to wait on them. Some of the names mentioned were J.P. Morgan and the Rockafellers. After the tour we went to the wharf for some lunch and then we headed to the ocean area to look around. There were some little shops that we popped in and out of and then headed back to the boat. It was quite warm so we stayed in the air conditioning for the rest of the afternoon. At 7:00 pm we took Koby for his nightly walk as the no-seeum's were out and really hungry. It will be an early night as we will be leaving at 7:00 am tomorrow.

This is the marina office
This building is the showers and a restaurant not open yet

Dave ready for our tour
Dave and Bill checking our map
We could have taken the horse and buggy
The above six homes are actually cottages
This was the first condo built on the island
This was the local church
We had lunch at the pier
The view from the pier
This is a shot of beaches on the ocean side

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