Saturday, March 26, 2016


Mar 24- We left New Smyrna marina at 10 :15 am heading for Daytona Boat Works probably for the next two weeks, as we are scheduled to have our boat repaired there. When we arrived at about 12:00 noon we pulled into the pump-out are a of the dock. The dock-hand helped us with that and when we finished the wind was very stiff so he said we were fine to stay right where we were for the night and tomorrow we could move around inside the dock. We are close to the washrooms and showers which is very convenient. We battened down the hatches as they were calling for thunderstorms, but fortunately they passed around us although we did get the rain. We have met some nice people here already, one gentleman has already offered his vehicle to us for picking up groceries.

Leaving New Smyrna Beach Marina
Some condos in New Smyrna 

Heading up the ICW 
A couple of homes along the ICW
Lighthouse off in the distance

Some homes along the ICW
Lots of condos here
Coming into the Daytona Beach area

Lots of mangroves along the ICW

Captain in deep concentration

This is Seven Seas Marina where Loose Change was lifted

Heading into Daytona Boat Works

A pretty sky tonight

Mar 25- We were up at 8:00 am and prepared to move around to the inside of the dock. I am doing laundry and Dave has been doing some odd jobs about the boat. We went to take Koby for a walk and as I dropped the garbage into the bin at the front of the dock I heard something, a dolphin swimming just inside the bay of the marina. Koby has a new friend, a cat named "Cutty" who likes to wander on and off all the boats here. He is not bothered by Koby at all, goes right up to him and lies down in front of him. This marina is where we bought our last boat "Loose Change" back in 1988, but the boat house where we saw her has been torn down since then. It has been 28 years since then and some of the area by the marina has changed since then. We took Koby for a long walk after dinner over past Halifax Harbor Marina which looks quite nice. When we got back we watched a movie and called it a night.
This is Cutty the resident cat
Dave with Cutty's owner
This is our view from the back of our boat
Someone decided we needed to have our picture taken

1 comment:

  1. too funny, I stayed at the Nautilus almost across the road a couple of years ago. I had no idea that I was so close to Loose Change's old slip!

    Doug Collins
