Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Mar 17- Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! We left Titusville at 8:30 am and are heading for New Smyrna. It is slightly overcast right now but I'm sure it will clear out soon. It is an easy day as we are only going 20 miles today. We arrived at the New Smyrna Municipal Marina at 12:00 noon. As we approached a couple of dolphins played in front of us as if they were welcoming us into the marina. It is not an overly large marina but quite nice with a very nice dockmaster named Pam. We shall be here for a week as we are waiting for the insurance adjuster to come assess the damage to Manana so we can get things going. Unfortunately as soon as we docked Charlie was taken to the hospital as he is having heart issues. They kept Charlie overnight as they are trying to reduce the fluids in his body and he is there until they do.

Arriving in the New Smyrna area
This sailboat is from British Columbia
I think he's hoping for high tide
Park area
A little hidden gem
A different looking home
An anchorage but it is quite shallow
Just under this bridge and to the left
We're here at New Smyrna 
Mar 18- We were up early to wash down Manana and the dingy. We have met a couple down the dock from us with an old Sheltie (12 yrs old) and another dog 14 yrs old. Dave had a part for the air conditioner arrive here and is installing it today. He needed another part so he got on his bike to ride over to Napa a couple of blocks away to get one. Apparently it was the wrong part so off he went again to Napa. I was busy cleaning the salt off the plexiglass as it makes quite a mess of it. It took me most of the day to do it all. There is a large park across the street from the marina so we had been taking Koby over there to let him run. Judy and Ted (Bonnie's sister and brother-in-law) came by and asked if we wanted to go out to dinner with them. They came back about 6:00 pm to get us and took us to see their condo and then to dinner. They have a beautiful 2400 sq ft condo that overlooks the ocean from almost every room. There are only three condos per floor and the people on either side of them are rarely there so they practically have the whole floor to themselves. They took us to a quaint restaurant on the ocean that is known for it's burgers, (right up Dave's alley). They live up to their reputation the burgers were great! They took us back to the boat and we said our goodbyes. 

A restaurant just as you head into the marina
Condos close to the marina
Sonata two slips down
Looking up the dock
Manana minus her bow rail on starboard side
Better side of Manana right now
Dave walking Koby in the park
The large park Koby runs in
A foundation from a house over a 100 yrs old
It is quite a pretty park
Mar 19- Bonnie called me this morning saying they were doing a procedure on Charlie and so she had some free time to go shopping if I wanted to. We went over to Beall's as they had coupons off on several things. I needed some new shorts and managed to get three pairs with 20% off. We headed back as Bonnie had to get to the hospital. When I got back to our boat Dave was talking to a fellow about repairing our bow rail and he left us his estimate. This guy has been recommended to us by the dockmaster, he did some work for her that she was quite happy with. He can't do it for another two weeks so in the meantime we will move up to Daytona Boat Works as that is where the work is to be done and wait for him. About 7:00 pm we noticed Bonnie and Charlie were back at their boat. They will be leaving in the morning heading for Jacksonville as that is where Charlie is to have his heart surgery asap.
An interesting sailboat passing by the marina
We are having a barbeque with these two boats
Koby and Dave heading for shore
Mar 20- We said our goodbyes to Charlie and Bonnie this morning as they are heading up to Jacksonville. We wish them the very best with all they have ahead of them, our prayers are with you. We decided to clean up the dingy and flush out the engine with fresh water. We have Dave's uncle and aunt (John and Pat) coming over for a visit so I am preparing for them. I have cleaned from top to bottom of Manana and have made up the front bunks. We have had Koby over to the park and we walked down some of the side streets for some exercise. I have prepared a meat loaf for dinner when they are here, as I had some time. We got a message from Bonnie that they traveled right through to Jacksonville (about 100 miles) and arrived at the marina at 9:00 pm, tired but glad they were there. 

Mar 21- Dave has been on the phone with the insurance company and it seems they are not sending an adjuster now, he just has to submit a couple of estimates. He has called a few people and he is just waiting for them to get back to us. Dave's aunt and uncle arrived about 4:00 pm and we jumped in the car and got some more provisions. They wanted to go out for dinner so we took them to the same restaurant we had been taken to by Judy and Ted. It was packed with people and it was loud because of the kids off for March break, but I think they enjoyed it. We headed back to the boat and watched some television and went to bed.

Mar 22- We are heading over to St. Augustine today to meet with Pat's sister Roseanne and her husband Dalton. It is a cool day and I have jeans and a jacket on but it is sunny. It took us 2 1/2 hours to get there and we were right in time to meet with her sister. It is a wonderful place but really busy with people down on March break so John had a difficult time finding a parking spot. We walked up to the downtown section as the restaurant they wanted to go to had closed for renovations. We found a little place that could seat 8 of us as Roseanne and Dalton were there with two friends from home. We had our lunch then split up as we were going to do the tour of the shops and they had already done that. Dave and John went off to the marina to scope that out and Pat and I cruised the shops and promised to meet the guys at 3:00 pm, which we did. We then headed back to New Smyrna, had dinner and relaxed talking out in the back of the boat for awhile. We were all tired from the day so we turned in, all but Dave who saw on the news that there was going to be a rocket launch from Cape Canaveral last night so he stayed up to watch it, and he did see it!

St. Augustine marina
This is the restaurant closed for renovations
Looking out at the mooring field
Dalton and Roseanne
Main intersection
Funny little buggy's you could rent
Streets are very narrow
Quaint restaurant
You can see how narrow the streets are here
A hundred old building
A beautiful garden in the midst of the retail section
Oldest school house in America
Mar 23- We were all up at 8:00 am, had breakfast and John asked if we needed anything before they had to leave us. I wanted to get Koby's nails clipped again and there is a groomer a couple of blocks away so we went there first and had that done. Then Dave needed a couple of things at a marina store so we went there and got those items. Then Pat and I wanted to go to Beall's and look around so we did and the guys went and sat on a bench outside and waited for us. Then we went back to the marina and said our last goodbyes to John and Pat as they will be heading home in the next couple of weeks. Thanks again, you guys have been wonderful to us since we've been down here, you have gone above and beyond for us and we are very grateful! After John and Pat left we took Koby to the park again for a run, then wandered back to the boat. Dave laid down and had a nap and I have been trying to catch up the blog all afternoon. We just had a call from Bonnie that they don't plan on doing anything to Charlie until possibly Monday. We will be leaving here tomorrow to head to Daytona Boat Works which is about 18 miles from here.

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