Saturday, March 19, 2016


Mar 11- We left Pelican Bay Marina at 9:15 am heading for Fort Lauderdale which is about a 18 mile trip. We were heading for New River as that is where our marina is, and just as we were about to enter the river which is very narrow we met a tug towing out a 100 foot yacht from this river. We scooted past them as we were right where they had to turn with this monster boat. Apparently that is the way these big yachts get in and out of this river, they are towed by tugs. This river is very narrow like I said with boats on either side of the channel with about a 4 knot current as well. Before we went to our marina we pulled over to the left side of the channel to tie up as we have a truck coming to fuel our boats up. We paid $1.73/gal for this fuel we couldn't pass that up. After we were fueled we
waited for the current to go slack before heading to the marina. We headed down the river at 3:30 pm as there are two bridges that close at 4 pm we have to get through. The current was still up but we managed to get tied up alright.

Leaving Pelican Bay Marina in Miami

Miami in the background
We played pass you with this guy all the way up
Coming into Fort Lauderdale
A lot of construction
Many of these in Fort Lauderdale
Some big boys
Heading into the New River
Just a little narrow
We pulled off to fuel up
This boat has to be towed out it's so big in the river
Looking up the river from Cooley's Marina

Looking up the New River
Bonnie and Judy 
Big guy on his way out the river

Mar 12- We are staying another day here at Cooley's Marina, Fort Lauderdale as there is lots to see and do. They are having a St. Patrick's Day parade at 12:00 noon we want to see. We walked over to watch the parade and then us girls walked downtown through some of the shops. The guys walked back to the boats. As we were walking back they had a band playing just down from the boats so we stopped and listened for awhile. We were invited aboard Sonata for docktails which ended just before it got dark. We will have to wait for slack current before we leave our slips tomorrow morning which is about 9:30 am.

Some pictures of the St. Patrick's Day parade

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