Friday, August 28, 2015


Aug 27- We left at 7 a.m. to start our 60 mile trek to Grand Haven. It was cloudy when we left but got brighter as we traveled south. We got to Grand Haven at about 2:30 p.m. and made the mistake of going into the Municipal docks. We called in before we came into the docks there and told them we were a 42 ft trawler. They put us into a larger slip which we thought was strange but thought maybe that was all they had left. We finished tying up and plugging into hydro then Dave went up to sign in. When he came back he said he had to pay for a large slip not for the length of our boat (we ended up paying $89.00 which was ridiculous). I am warning all Loopers to beware of Grand Haven Municipal Marina they are ripping people off . The only good thing I can say about Grand Haven is that they put on a nice water and light show which was very entertaining. While we were tying up a Sheriff came up to the back of Manana with his boat. We thought we had done something wrong but he had noticed our home port and just wanted to talk. He had a grandmother that used to come to Orillia to sing in a choir competition. He was very nice but what a small world.
Someone in a hurry
Beaches on approach to Grand Haven
Lots of beach area here
Homes on the shoreline
Beach houses
Lighthouse at entrance
Private homes
RV park on the way in
Condos at entrance
Park area
Sheriff and Coast Guard area
Start of downtown
This a free wall to tie up to
Factory at end of bay
Kids playing volley ball
Great water and light show

Aug 28- We left by 9:00 a.m. but the lake was not being kind today. We were heading for South Haven (hopefully not any thing like its name sake) but it was 5 to 6 footers so we ended up turning in at Holland. We have come into Eldean Ship Yard and it seems to be very nice. The staff are extremely pleasant and helpful. This marina is twice that of the municipal marina at Grand Haven and at half the price. We hopped into the dingy and went down into Lake Macatawa to explore. There are many large lakefront homes on this lake. When we got back to Manana we were treated to a wedding taking place at the restaurant at the end of our dock. The weather is closing in so I don't know what tomorrow will bring.
Large beach area at Holland
Older homes along river
Restaurant hosting wedding
This building houses the washrooms and showers
Private home
Another private home behind marina
Great marina
A very unique bike
Lakefront homes in Lake Macatawa
A couple of shacks
This is the Heinz plant
The happy bride and groom
This was a treat - a paddle wheeler

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Aug 23- This is a real down day. The wind is really up and there are thunderstorms in the area. It was not a fit day for walking or any outdoor activity. We cleaned inside the boat and spent a good part of the day watching TV and reading. We saw none of the other loopers as no one was out and about.

Aug 24- We are still waiting for the weather to break. We jumped onto the bus transit here to take us up to Walmart to get groceries. It cost us a whole dollar each to ride the transit. The driver was quite enlightening. We asked her about the siren we have been hearing at noon and 10:00 pm at night every day since we had been here. She said the noon one indicated lunch time and the other was a curfew for the teenagers in Ludington to be home by. It keeps the kids out of trouble supposedly. Maybe its something we all should consider! She said Ludington used to be a very industrial area at one time but that has all but dried up now. There is a ferry that comes into the area called the "Badger" it travels over to the other side of Lake Michigan to Mantowac twice daily. It's quite the sight to see when it arrives drops its anchor and then turns on a dime and backs into its berth. It still runs on steam power. We have really enjoyed watching her come and go.
Badger coming in to port
Badger leaving for the evening

Aug 25- We probably won't leave here until Thursday as that seems to be a better day for us to travel the next leg which is 60 miles. We have a few things to get done today. There is a leak from our port front window Dave is re-caulking and I am down on my hands and knees trying to get water stains out of our carpet in the back sitting area. Dave is sanding down and re-varnishing part of wall in the main salon that has spots appearing on it. At least these have been productive days.

Aug 26- We could have left today as several loopers did but it is a long leg and it would have been uncomfortable. We were able to get more cleaning done (tarps and windows). We have talked to several loopers who came in today and they said it was not a pleasand ride, so I think we made the right decision to stay on. It will be an early start for us tomorrow.
A day at the park

Children at play statues
Statue depicting the day of lumber 
Dave and Koby looking out to sea
Beautiful gazebo in park

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Aug 19- No one is moving today! We can see the spray from the lake hitting the breakwall a half mile away. I am trying to capture this on my pictures but not sure they will turn out. We even had two sailboats come in from mooring balls in the bay behind us because it was so rough. We have now moved the dingy up beside the boat in hopes it will not get pummeled there. It is a work and clean up day. Dave has checked the shaft logs and tightened them and has replaced a hose that has been leaking in our water system. I am on my third load of laundry.
A short video of very windy day
This was taken from our dock
This was the sailboat that was dragging
Even this 100 footer wasn't moving

Aug 20- We had a fitful night last night when the winds increased and waves were funneling down to our end of the bay. The noise in the aft cabin was so bad I slept in the main salon on the couch. I think between us we got about 3 hours sleep all night. Again no one is going anywhere except a sailboat in the bay that seems to be dragging. We had to get off the boat just to get away from the constant bobbing and the squeaking of bumpers so we took Koby for a long walk. This lake seems to be beating our butts right now.
This was the worst day
Do not stay here if wind from west or south
This is a natural spring area
This was a very cute playground
These condos were facing the marina
A glimpse of downtown Frankfort
A sleeping beer on a real estate office

Aug 21- It took us about a half hour just to remove all the lines from the dock so we didn't leave Frankfort until nearly 10:00 am. I was never so glad to leave a place as that one. Advice for anyone following our blog - it is a place to get out of bad weather but if you have a south or west wind do not stay at the far end of the Municipal Marina. I would either tuck into the marina to your left just as you enter the bay or go right down to the bottom of the bay on the left side. We spent the worst 2 days at those docks. We headed to Manistee next and had an enjoyable ride over there. The sun was out and it was reasonably calm. At Manistee you come into a river and the Municipal Marina was on the right side before the bridge. We tried for a pump out there but they were too busy \(1 boat gasing up and 1 boat waiting) so we finally got a slip number from a rude girl who I guess was the harbour master. We got settled and took Koby for a walk, then got in the dingy and did some exploring. We had a late dinner and Dave and I walked the main street. Nothing special - a lot of empty stores but looks like their trying to revitalize. We hadn't slept for the past 2 nights so I went to bed around 9:00 pm and Dave watched football.
The shoreline of Michigan
The shoreline is high and sandy
Koby not impressed with the rock and roll
Entering into Manistee
There is a beautiful beach on other side of railing
Heading into the river to Manistee
Private marina on left of river
Some private homes
A look down river
Some condos on left side of river
A motel and private docks
This was the harbour centre
Restaurant backing onto river
A little park in honour of veterans
A cat we have seen in other ports
A boardwalk running length of downtown
A coast guard boat and freighter
Someones pride and joy
A view of Manistee's downtown

Aug 22- We left Manistee round 8:00 am while the wind was somewhat calm. We are headed to Ludington today. There seem to be many smaller boats on the lake today as there is a fishing derby on in this area. The wind started to pick up just as we were approaching Ludington so it was nice that we were almost there. The Municipal Marina is on your left as you travel down the river. We headed right for the pump-out as we were full, full! We decided to put on diesel there as it was the cheapest yet. Once in our slip we had a quick bite and headed out for a walk with Koby. It was too hot for him to be out so we left him aboard and Dave and I went to check out the main street. It has the usual restaurants, gift stores, banks and clothing stores.
Entrance to Ludington
Heading towards river
Condos on the way in
Private homes along river
Beautiful condos next to marina
Entrance to Municipal Marina
Cruise ship at dock
Municipal Marina
Condos with pergolas
Very unique wall on building
A unique little store
Quite the flower pot
A view of the downtown
A very quaint downtown
Children's playground by the marinas