Saturday, August 8, 2015


Aug 5th- We stayed in Kegawong the next day as the wind was up again. An American boat left the dock beside us and almost ended up on the beach behind us. Dave's uncle John Sweet called that morning and said he would be coming up to our area. He and Pat arrived at 5pm and we went to dinner at Gore Bay about a half hour away by car. The marina at Gore Bay is quite nice and the little restaurant is not bad. It was John and Pat's anniversary so we had gotten a little gift from the only gift store in Kegawong. They stayed overnight on Manana with us which was a nice surprise for Dave and myself. I apologize that the photographer fell down on the job and did not get a picture of the anniversay couple while they were with us. I am so sorry John and Pat.
Coming into Kegawong
Cute little church with nautical motif
Even ends of pews rope and bumper
The pulpit was bow of boat
Bridal Veil Falls
A little museum of Kegawong

Aug 6th- We said our goodbyes to John and Pat and left Kegawong at 9:00am heading for Fox Island. We met up with Rick, Carmen and Carver (the dog) and friends of theirs. Rick and Carmen are a couple we met in Florida in the same park as John and Pat. We got into the dingy's and Rick gave us a tour of the Benjamins. We had heard lots about the Benjamins but probably would never had seen them in that depth. Thank you Rick and Carmen for your wonderful hospitality. When we returned to the boats a gentleman from a sail boat in the same anchorage had motored over to tell us that when we were out touring he had seen an adolescent bear on the little island in front of us. We had dinner and a quiet evening.
Meeting friends at Fox Island
Gibson Cove with friends
Our tour guides Rick and Carmen and Carver (the dog)
North Benjamin cove
More of North Benjamins
Heading up the Whalesback Channel

Aug 7th- We had a late start this morning as we had to fix the generator (nothing major). We said our goodbyes to our friends Rick and Carmen and friends at about 10:30am. The bay was quite calm and the skies were clear as we headed through Whaleback Channel heading for Blind River. We arrived at 3pm and once secured at the dock decided to go in search of a grocery store. Boy was that a mistake. It had to be a 2 mile walk from the marina most of it along side a major highway. I was glad we hadn't decided to take Koby with us. We took a cab (for a flat fee of $5.00) back to the boat. We had a late dinner because the cook was taking a nap and didn't realize the time.  Dave watched a football game between Montreal and Ottawa while I was dozing. Another quiet night and off to bed.
Heading into Blind River Marina
Very quaint marina
Nice marina but too far to stores

Aug 8th- We had another late start this morning as the bolt in the rollers for the anchor decided to let go. Dave went up and had a bolt shortened at the marina store and repaired the roller and we were underway by 10:00am. The wind was light and from the east so it was hitting us on the stern most of the way to Thessalon. We noticed as we entered the marina that the temperature of the water was a balmy 54 degrees. We arrived at 1:30pm and proceeded to check out the area. They have nice docks and there is a cute building which houses the washrooms, showers and a beautiful common room upstairs with a kitchenette. We left Koby aboard and proceeded to scout out the town (not much here) but the Valu Mart is much closer here than in Blind River. You can actually walk about 2 blocks to this one or they have bikes to ride there if you prefer.
Coming into Thessalon Marina
The enterance into the Marina by road
Cute building with washrooms/showers and common room
Manana in all her splender

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