Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Aug 17- We left Northport at 8:00 am and we are headed for Leland, If the waters stay calm we will head onto Frankfort. Leland it is! The lake is serving us 5 footers today and hitting us on the side almost a following sea. Thirty miles of that is enough. Leland was very cute with its little fishing village and quaint main street. We tried to take Koby to the beach in the dingy but the waves were pounding us too hard so we got out of there. We went back to the boat and walked over to the beach with the dog. He didn't know what to do with these waves - they were too large so he just ran back and forth on the beach barking at them.
Marina at Leland
Time to get Koby to shore
Marina office and showers
Leland was very cute
Time for a shower
One of many cute little shops
Several shots of  the little fishing village at Leland

Aug 18 - We left  at 7:30 am heading for Frankfort. The lake looked calm but in reality there were large rollers hitting us on the side for awhile then we had following sea all the way in. The rain hit just before we got to the mouth of the channel into Frankfort. We could not see it for about 10 minutes that is how hard the rain was coming down. We arrived at the municipal marina at 3:30 pm and are tied on the dock in front of the library. Once we were settled we took Koby and went to explore the area. It has a little of everything - restaurants, hardware store, bakery, laundry and grocery store. The washrooms and showers a ways down the dock and are not really convenient for us. The wind has not let up since we arrived and Dave and I were up last night retying and putting a fender between the boat and the dingy. We have found the big red balls have been a lifesaver
Fog in the hills leaving Leland
Torant of rain coming down outside Frankfort
The mouth of the harbour into Frankfort
Still in the canal into Frankfort
I believe this is Betsy Marina
As is this 
Public Library in front of our dock

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