Friday, November 13, 2015


Nov 11- We left Dog River at 10:00 am heading down Mobile Bay for our next port Orange Beach at a marina called The Wharf. A pretty snazzy place but still at a $1.00 a foot. We arrived at 3;00 pm and had lunch. We know Gemini and Sadie Too are here somewhere but have not seen them as yet. I have finally run out of steam after the one 90 mile day and 79 mile day the next day. We are here for a couple of days to rest and enjoy the area. We left The Mist back at Dog River as they had some work being done on their boat. They hope to catch up to us in a day or two. American Pie had gotten his new props on and was sitting at the gas dock when we left Dog River. They may be along tomorrow. As this is Veterans Day I would like to extend our many thanks to all that have served and are serving in the Armed Forces to keep us safe and free.
Leaving Dog River
Channel markers have changed
Passing two boats heading to Dog  River
Fishing boat out on Mobile Bay
Passing a tow
I think this is a lighthouse of some kind
Three other boats heading to Orange Beach
Heading towards ICW
Condos on the ICW
A few homes along the ICW
LuLu's Restaurant (Jimmy Buffit's sisters place)
Another restaurant 
A working marina
The road runs alongside the ICW
We have arrived
The Wharf Marina

Nov 12- We got up at 7:00 am as we are now used to doing that now and started wiping off the heavy dew on Manana. The American gentleman from the boat across the dock from us came over and offered to drive us to Walmart in his Mercedes if we needed anything there. Of course we said yes as we had just a few items to get. He was a gracious host and even drove 10 minutes out of his way to show us the beaches here and explained all about the area. He just keeps his boat down here, he is really from up on the Mississippi River some four hours away. He told us he is a retired kidney doctor but you would never have guessed that as he is a very down to earth kind of man. We met up with Jim and Moe from Gemini and they have invited us to lunch at a place called Pirates Cove. So we jumped into our dingy with them and met two other couples in dingys and away we all went. We hadn't seen these other couples since Joe Wheeler State Park so it was great to meet up again. We took our dogs with us as this place was dog friendly! It was about five miles down to this place and we were a little surprised when we saw all the dogs running around the place. It was a very low key kind of a place with mediocore food but it was an adventure! It began drizzling a little on our way back and we were all chilled when we got back. American Pie and Tuscobia have now arrived and are just down the dock from us.
Two other couples we went to Pirates Cove with
Waiting for everyone to get ready
We have arrived at Pirates Cove
The gang waiting for lunch

Nov 13- We had told Gemini that we were leaving today but we have heard from The Mist that they are on there way here so we have decided to stay and wait for them-besides its Friday the 13th! It is a cool 57 degrees outside right now and the wind is blowing pretty good. There is a restaurant back down the river called LuLu's which is owned by Jimmy Buffit's sister. We are planning to go there for lunch and check it out. While we were at LuLu's The Mist went past on its way to The Wharf marina.When we got back we took Koby for a walk and went to see Bill and Bobbie. They suggested we should go out for dinner tonight and we did.

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