Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Nov 2- We were up about 8:00 am with the day looking quite promising. Dave called a local canvas person to come and repair one of our front panels.While we were waiting for her to arrive I decided to clean the carpets in the back and up on the bridge. By the time I finished that the weather was getting nicer and the sun had actually come out. We were just chilling out when Sonata arrived and tied opposite us on the dock. By 5 pm we had five other boats on the docks with us. I invited Bonnie and Charlie to dinner as I was sure they were tired from their long run. As we were having dinner we had a knock on the side of the boat. An old friend from Corsair, his wife and another couple had come to say hello. We had not seen him since Green Bay Marina. They didn't stay long as they were flying home to San Fransisco for a couple of weeks. After they left we decided to play dominos for a couple of hours and then off to bed.

Nov 3- We left the marina at 8:00 am in the fog. The farther we went the more the fog let up.We have three locks to go through today, and are hoping there will be no hold ups. We passed three tows on the way down today but everything went well and we arrived at Midway Marina at 3:30 pm. There are still two boats travelling behind us that were held up at the last lock for 45 minutes. It is now 5:00 pm and they are just pulling into the marina. It only takes one lock to mess up everything and you end up coming into a marina in the dark.
A foggy start down the Tenn Tom
25 mile long ditch
Out into Bay Spring Lake
Leaving Whitten Lock
A small marina on the way to Montgomery Lock
Onto Montgomery Lock
The colors are a changing
Coming out of Rankin Lock

The shoreline is beginning to change
Koby so stressed
Were here at Midway
Sonata at Midway
The sailboat we locked through with all day

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