Wednesday, June 8, 2016


June 6- We left Atlantic City at 7:00 am heading on the inside up the ICW. The other two loopers had planned on leaving that morning on the outside and the one boat called "Near Miss" had already left but quickly came right back to the marina saying it was really rough out there. We led the procession as Dave had the I-Pad app showing the shoals and possible problem areas. We only hit one spot where we stirred up some mud for a little bit but our trip was basically uneventful. We had to leave the ICW and travel through a narrow channel to get to the marina we had booked. When we called the marina they told us that they were located between two bridges (one a road bridge the other was a railway bridge) and because of the current we needed to go through both, turn and come back up stream to be able to dock on their T-dock. We were the first to the dock, tied up quickly and had to wrestle the dingy up beside our boat to make room for Something Special to come in behind us. We quickly tied him up and they made room on another T-dock for Mist. Once everything was secure and we had walked the dogs we decided to go for a swim at the pool. We had dinner and crashed for the evening.

Leaving Atlantic City up the ICW
Sometimes the ICW took us fairly close to shore
Coming into Manasquan 
This was the railway bridge right behind us
Boats waiting for the railway bridge to re-open
90 percent of the boats were Sports Fishing boats here

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