Friday, June 17, 2016


June 12- We are heading to West Point today to do a tour there. The wind is really up and the boats are rocking in the slips. When had a small group in the tour (about 12 people) so it went fairly quickly and smoothly. We were not allowed into any of the buildings on the grounds except this one chapel. There are no cadets here at this time as they have just had graduation and the cadets have all gone home. The tour was one and half hours and was quite informative about the credentials needed, the grades and commitment required etc. We finished the tour then decided to go and see the Rockefeller Estate not far away. It had gotten cooler and the wind was very stiff. We went through the home and then our guide took us out into the gardens and to the stables. I almost froze to death! It was about 6:00 pm when we got back to our boats to find the docks almost impossible to walk on because of the wave action coming in and our boats were rocking uncontrollably in their slips. Apparently a fellow looper had been over several times to our boats to put extra fenders out and tighten lines which I would say was above and beyond. The wind never let up all night and because the waves were crashing against the back of the boat I tried sleeping on the couch in the main salon. It was an awful night - very little sleep.
West Point Museum
Residence of the officers
Residence of the cadets
A beautiful view of the Hudson 
Only West Point graduates can be buried here
The chapel- the only building we could enter
Interior shot of the chapel
The front of the Rockefeller Estate
Rockefeller was big into modern art
This was out in the garden
Looking at the rear of the Rockefeller home
The estate went on for miles and miles

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