Tuesday, June 7, 2016


May 31- We left Calvert marina at 9:30 am as Bill was returning the rental car. We have a 60 mile run up to Rock Hall but the Bay is completely flat and very little breeze. We were having a great trip until we got a call from a freighter behind us as we were heading towards the Chesapeake Bay bridge asking us to move over out of his way for himself and the freighter behind him as well. We turned and waited for the two freighters to go by but there was one coming the other way so we found another route under the bridge. We arrived at Rock Hall marina at 4:30 pm and docked right behind "Something Special" (our old friends Syd and Evelyn), we have finally caught up to them. They had a pool at this marina so we donned on our swim suits and had a swim. We sat chatting with Syd and Evelyn and met another couple looping as well. We all went to dinner that night and the other couple told us of their boating trips from Vancouver to Alaska.

The motel Dave,Steve and Peter stayed in at Rock Hall

Not a bad marina
This is where they work on boats
Something Special in front of us of the dock
Looking back across the bay we entered

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