Saturday, June 18, 2016


June 14-15- We left Kingston Municipal Marina at 8:30 am heading to Waterford on the Erie Canal. Just we were leaving the marina a large tow had just passed and we were stuck behind it for some time before we had room to pass it. The wind came up just as we had planned on passing this tow. Something Special was leading and had no trouble passing as he could go faster than us. The tow was travelling about our speed so it was taking us forever to pass it and he would not back down at all. We finally pushed Manana to her max and we finally put that tow behind us. We arrived at Waterford at about 3:00 pm and pulled along side the docks at the Municipal Marina which was just outside the lock. We washed the salt of the boats for the last time as we are now in fresh water, horrah! It was a free dock with hydro and water but you donated $10.00 towards the hydro and you stayed for as many days as you wanted. We were glad to see some other Looper boats were there on the docks when we arrived. One was Gemini we hadn`t seen since Marathon in Florida and the other we had met at Solomon`s Island. We had docktails on the dock that afternoon. This marina was well kept and run by volunteers and everything was very convenient for us there. We were tired from out two 60 mile runs so we decided to stay another day.

The large tow we had to pass
Another of many lighthouses on the Erie Canal
We are seeing mountains off in the distance
Another unique looking lighthouse
A large ship we passed on the river
A fellow looper ``Over Ice`` we passed
We passed through Albany, New York on our way to Waterford
Waterford Municipal Marina
Gemini and Not So Big fellow Loopers
Something Special and Mist 
The first lock in a series of five consecutive locks
Manana at Waterford

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