Tuesday, June 7, 2016


May 29- Today we are planning to visit the Naval Academy at Annapolis and take a tour. It is another sunny day but we are supposed to get rain later today. We got to Annapolis at 12:00 pm and headed for the Visitors Centre to set up for the tour, but as they were so busy the tour wasn't until 1:00 pm. As we had time to wait we sat outside watching the goings on in the bay. It was an absolute zoo and I am so glad we decided not to come into this area with our boats. We had and elderly gentleman giving us the hour and one half tour. The naval academy is on 386 acres of land that was actually a fort back in the 1800's that was eventually abandoned and the navy purchased it. The students had their graduation yesterday so there wasn't many of them there. When we finished the tour we headed downtown got something to eat and watched the throngs walking around.

Waiting for the tour to begin
This is the bay in front of the Academy
Residence of students
Officers homes
I caught these students walking around
Such a beautiful church
Interior of the church
I caught this bride and groom leaving the church

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