Sunday, May 29, 2016


May 27- We left at 9:00 am with about a 15 mile and hour breeze from the south. It was a little bumpy coming out into the Bay but as we turned onto our course it smoothed out some. We have a 55 mile run today on another hot sunny day. As we got to the entrance of the Patuxent River it was like being in a washing machine, waves coming at us from all sides only for a short run, thank God. We arrived at the marina at 3:30 pm but no one to help us into the dock again. I guess its a Maryland thing! We got tied up and went up to the office to look after things when we heard Mist was on his way in, so I ran down to give them a hand in as the wind was blowing him off the dock. We got them in and tied and we quickly washed down the boats. The lady from the boat in front of us said it was docktail time so Dave and I went over to sit and talk with them. She is from London, Ontario and he is from Michigan. They have completed the Loop partially but have decided to sell their boat and actually have a offer on it.

A lighthouse on our way to Solomon's Island
Heading into the Patuxant River 
Calvert Marina at Solomon's Island
This couple are selling their boat

Saturday, May 28, 2016


May 26- We are here for another day at Crisfield and will be heading out tomorrow to Solomon's Island on the west shore of the Chesapeake. It is about 80 degrees here today so we took Koby for his walkabout early this morning before it got too hot. We are going to get our bikes out so we can do some sightseeing around this little berg. It is a little depressed in some spots but at one time I'm sure it was well and thriving. We see a lot of fishing boats coming and going out of the marina so I assume that is their largest industry here.

A pretty little house
The end of town
A very unique home
I had never seen these in a grave yard before
This area designated for war vets
A very cute stone home for sale
Looking up our dock to shore
Getting ready for a crab fest this weekend
This is the office area
They had just opened the pool


May 25- We left Cape Charles at 9:30 am this morning heading up the Chesapeake to Crisfield on the east shore. It is another warm calm day for running, but a longer run today of 55 miles. We will stay in Crisfield for a second day and then head up to Solomon's Island on the west shore for maybe four days as it is the American Memorial holiday this weekend and everything is booked up. Our next stop was going to be St. Michael's but it is the place to go so there was not room at the inn. We arrived at Somers Cove Marina in Crisfield at 3:30 pm. The have lovely docks here and it is in off the beaten path so it is a well protected harbour. The marina is well looked after and they will take you for groceries if you need anything. We were exhausted from the run today so we just relaxed for the evening.
Leaving Cape Charles heading for Crisfield
This island called Tangier is actually sinking
We had a tow traveling along with us
The shoreline of Crisfield

Thursday, May 26, 2016


May 24- We regretfully said our goodbyes to our wonderful friends Bonnie and Charlie and left Portsmouth at 9:00 am and began our next chapter.  We passed a large naval area as we exited the river heading for the Chesapeake Bay, many large ships sitting looking ominous at their berths. We also had the pleasure of a large container ship traveling at warp speed pass us just as we were entering the Bay. Everything flew forward then backward when we hit the wall of water rolling toward us. Even Koby left the floor and then back down again. We were very fortunate that only our LED lamp was the only thing that broke. We crossed the Bay over to Cape Charles, about a 30 mile run in a following sea all the way. We arrived at the marina at 1:00 pm. and got into our slips without any help from the marina staff which is quite unusual. A nice gentleman from another boat staying there came and lent us a hand getting in. We washed down the boat and the guys did their thing and Bobbi and I decided to go check out the little downtown. It was very quaint and some of the stores were not open for the season as yet, but would be after this weekend. We got back to the boats and relaxed for awhile and then dressed and went for dinner at the restaurant right at the dock. I must say the food was very good and very fresh, and they also sold fish at the back of the restaurant if you wanted fresh fish or crab.
This is the Norfolk waterfront

This is a very large marina called Tidewater
Heading out the river at Portsmouth

Restricted naval area on the river
Container ship traveling at warp speed (what a wake! )
A freighter crossing the Bay with us
We have arrived at Cape Charles marina
A lighthouse not far from the marina
The Bay has calmed down since we came in
Looking uptown
A little cafe on the main street
The dory is called "Billy Crystal"
This is a flying dingy that flew in
A beautiful evening in Cape Charles, Maryland

Monday, May 23, 2016


May 19/23- We have been in Portsmouth since May 18th but we are planning to leave Tuesday morning, weather permitting. It has been raining ever since we got here except the first day and part of the next day. We have been out shopping but other than that we pretty much have been stuck inside, only out long enough to take Koby to shore. Charlie and Bonnie have been busy with business and family and we haven't spent much time together this week, but we have a goodbye dinner with them tonight at their condo. We went to dinner last night with Bill and Bobbi to a dinner theatre here on their main street a couple of blocks away. It is an old theatre that is just beautiful inside with tables and chairs instead of rows of seating. You are given a menu and there is a telephone on your table so you just call in your order and it is brought out to your table and then at 7:00 pm the show started. The chairs are on rollers and are very comfortable and you just turn the chairs and watch the movie which was "Captain America - Civil War". It was just a very unique experience and I'm glad we decided to go there. This morning was very dismal with non-stop rain but it has cleared out and the sun is actually shining right now- horray! Charlie is at the doctors right now and when he gets back Bonnie and I are going out shopping to just get off the boat for awhile. We shopped for a couple of hours and went back to the boat until Charlie came and got us for dinner at their condo. We had another wonderful meal prepared by Bonnie and then back to the boat. I am not looking forward to our farewells tomorrow.

A couple destroyers in being worked on
Charlie passing in front of his condo
Looking down the bay from the marina
Looking down the docks at Ocean Marina
We saw many of these freighters going by
This tall ship came in this week
This war ship is being turned around to head out to the Bay
Goodbye Sonata 
The Mist (Bill and Bobbi) will be traveling with us from here


May 18- We are departing from the dock here at 8:00 am as we only have 30 miles to get to Portsmouth, Virginia today. It is a dull cool day- first time we are in longs and socks since Dunedin, Florida. We started with two engines but about 10 minutes down the river the port engine quit again. Dave went down for awhile but came up very frustrated, so I suggested he just sit and relax a few minutes then go tackle it again. He ended up putting the old fuel strainer back on and the engine started right up. We got into the last lock on the Dismal Swamp and the lock master told us of a place on the river called Top Rack Marina just 10 minutes away that had the cheapest fuel on the river. As we had to wait for a bridge to open at 1:00 pm anyway we decided to take advantage of the great fuel price of $1.73/gal. We just finished fueling and the harbor master was changing the fuel sign to read $1.83/gal- we just made it! We arrived at Ocean Marina in Portsmouth at 2:30 pm - this is home for Sonata. Charlie had his son and girlfriend aboard so went over to visit with them for awhile as we had not seen them since up on the Mississippi River. We assumed Charlie and Bonnie would be moving back to their condo, but apparently they stay on the boat until November. We are here for a couple of days as we are waiting for Bill and Bobbie (Mist) to catch up to us so we can begin our trip north. It is going to feel very strange not following that Grand Banks and we are feeling very sad that we will be saying goodbye very soon. They have been wonderful to us and I really don't know how we are going to ever thank them for their unwavering friendship and instruction on this trip. God Bless you both!
Another place to tie up on the Dismal Swamp
Another little town we passed through 
We are now in Virginia
This bridge and one more lock and we're through
"Near Miss" and sailboat behind us
All the white things are sea shells the lockmaster has collected
Welcome to Portsmouth
This is a naval air craft carrier
This naval yard employs much of the population here
We are here at Ocean Marina
Sonata across the dock from us